News Brief

July 23, 2024

Draft air permit proposed for new ammonia facility west of New Orleans

On July 19, 2024, the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality (LDEQ) proposed a draft initial construction permit for the St. Rose Blue Ammonia Facility in St. Charles Parish, Louisiana.

At full capacity, the facility, planned by a company owned by Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners and Sustainable Fuels Group, could produce up to 8,000 metric tons of ammonia per day from natural gas. Ammonia is a raw ingredient in fertilizer and increasingly seen as a potential alternative transportation fuel, especially for ships.  

The company behind the project, St. Charles Clean Fuels, claims it will capture up to 99 percent of the plant’s carbon dioxide emissions. However, the minor source permit under consideration for this plant will set no limits on carbon emissions or capture rates. LDEQ is accepting public comments on the draft permit until August 22, 2024. Please see the public notice and draft permit package for more information.

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