Spotlighting the impact of oil and gas expansion

The Environmental Integrity Project (EIP) created Oil & Gas Watch to give the public access to information and public records detailing the rapid expansion of the oil, gas, and petrochemical industries in the United States. EIP's Center for Environmental Investigations uses these records and data to write in-depth articles about the industry on our Oil & Gas Watch News site.

In less than a decade, fracking and other new drilling techniques have turned the U.S. into the largest producer of oil and gas in the world. But the buildup of the industry does not just involve drilling sites and wells – although that’s what people most often associate with oil and gas.

Downstream from those oil and gas wells, a vast web of pipelines, tanks, compressor stations, processing plants, refineries, liquefied natural gas export terminals, and chemical plants is also spreading across the U.S., often outside the consciousness of the public.It is this oil and gas infrastructure – and the massive amount of pollution that it produces, out of sight and out of mind – that is the focus of Oil & Gas Watch.


Brendan Gibbons
Alexandra Shaykevich
Tom Pelton
Courtney Bernhardt
Ari Phillips
Paul MacGillis-Falcon