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Despite incentives for carbon capture, U.S. is still mining CO₂ to produce more oil
May 15
Pipeline supplying new PA plastics plant charged with criminal cover up of spills
May 2
In Illinois, a massive taxpayer-funded carbon capture project fails to capture about 90 percent of plant’s emissions
Apr 25
With 34 petrochemical ‘plastics recycling’ plants proposed across U.S., a small PA town fights back -- and wins
Apr 18
Opposition mounts to aging oil & gas pipeline threatening Great Lakes drinking water
Apr 11
A new EPA rule is meant to prevent chemical disasters, but safety advocates say loopholes remain
Apr 4
Thousands of abandoned wells in Louisiana threaten to leak carbon dioxide from storage projects
Mar 27
Texas plastics factory shows how companies take public subsidies while breaking pollution laws
Mar 21
EPA’s new rule will slash planet-warming methane emissions from oil and gas industry, but it could be stronger
Mar 14
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